

What is niceRaker®?

niceRaker® was founded to pursue the next mega trend in the Internet based on innovative technologies with international patents.

Solutions were designed to co-exist with today's Internet ecosystem

with zero disruption and complete transparency in many cases.

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Please click the right image to watch "niceRaker Introduction"

for more information with voice description and subtitles.

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Format: mp4

Size: 39 MB

Length: 12:54

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Nowhere to find any solution?  Now, here is the one from niceRaker®.

Nowhere, Now, here!™ is a series of products

that provides solutions you are unable to find from anywhere else.

Click here to see the list of products



Crux of Internet problems

To solve a problem, the crux of the problem must be identified first. Only after the crux is identified, then effective measures can be taken to truly solve the problem.

And what is the crux of Internet problems that have accumulated for decades?


The crux is the authentication of persons' identities that are doing things.

Once identities can be automatically authenticated,

deterrence to the exposed identities can eliminate illegality and crime,

almost all Internet problems will be solved.


How does niceRaker® identify the cruxes of Internet problems to solve them?

* How can niceChat allow all social apps to communicate across platforms?

* How can niceMail® eliminate bad e-mails?

* How can niceNobody track the real information of an anonymous account holder?

* How can niceNobody monitor anonymous accounts of blacklisted members?

* How can nicePaMa prevent password interception?

* How can nicePass eliminate fake accounts?

* How can SpamAccountKiller detect and kill mass generated fake accounts?

Click here to know how!


niceGiven & nicePrice

niceRaker® provides the niceGiven program for  governments, schools and non-profit charity organizations to decide on any license fee, including $0.

The nicePrice program is for profit organizations to propose on a license fee before the deadline.

niceRaker® will contact some selected companies to offer the nicePrice program.

If you are not contacted and would like to receive the nicePrice program, please contact niceRaker® and explain why.



niceRaker® is looking for agents in different countries

to help niceRaker® promote business.


The ideal agents would be -

* Passionate about participating in global Internet innovation.

* Able to communicate fluently with niceRaker® in English.

* Excellent writing skills for translating English into the native language.

* Have experience in operating Internet business.

* Nice relation with the domestic government is preferred.


If you are interested in niceRaker niceAgent™ program,

please leave your contact information,

niceRaker will provide a document

about niceAgent™ responsibilities and benefits

for your consideration.

copyright© 2024 by niceRaker® Inc.